Dazey Lady Shop - The Girl Boss Tribe

New to the Dazey Lady Shop
When you run a small business you naturally begin to build a tribe. Through collaborative photoshoots, pop up shops, and events many of the Dazey Ladies have met and gotten to know each-other! It's awesome to have a network of like-minded babes who know what you're going through and are there to support you.
One of my first small biz friends Kailee of I'm With the Band Headbands was doing a shoot at our Biz Babez office this past week. She happened to pull a bunch of girl boss goodies from Wallflower SF and Miracle Eye that we had been wanting to shoot and add to the shop anyways! I was able to sneak in and grab some images during their shoot :) with everything there including the gorgeous model Julia, it was the easiest shoot I'd had in awhile! Of course I was able to shoot some of the gorgeous headbands as well, one of the DL shop's best sellers.
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Model: @juliatitus
Photography: @danidazey & @ian_stribling
Location: @bizbabez
For: @im_with_the_band_headbands