Dazey Digis : Hightlight REAL Pt.2

Another round up of Dazey digis are here! This set of graphics is all about shifting our relationship with technology and social media into one that is positive and empowering. Remember that day we all panicked because of #instacrash2019?! While we may have gotten frustrated and anxious about it, it got us thinking about our relationship with our phones. Is being so tech-dependent weakening our human connection? Yeah, definitely. Has Instagram slowed our productivity, distracted us from our goals, and replace a good ol' lunch break conversation? Yup! So as we get back to the scroll, we're trying to be more mindful of connecting with our friends, family, and real life network. There's no shame in our IG game, as long as we keep it a place of inspiration and empowerment and block any accounts that trigger comparison, we are here to stay. Download the Dazey graphics to keep this momento visible on the daily! Scroll through the blog for all download link. Don't forget to screenshot and tag us at #dazeydigi and #highlightREAL!
Download Stronger Human Connection Mobile
Download Stronger Human Connection Desktop
Download Inform, Inspire, Empower Mobile
Download Inform, Inspire, Empower Desktop
Download You Are Rare Nothing Can Compare Mobile
Download You Are Rare Nothing Can Compare Desktop
March 15 2019
Love these designs and can’t wait to get inspired every time I open my phone :)
March 15 2019
Hi! Both Inform, Inspire, Empower links seem to be mobile. LOVE this :)