Dazey Ladies Women's March 2019

This is what STRENGTH IN SISTERHOOD looks like. Last weekend our wonderful group of LA Dazey Ladies took to the streets to not only stand for our rights but spread a little positivity. In a movement sometimes fueled by anger, albeit righteously so, we decided to take a different route. We approached yesterday's Women’s March with love. Amidst all the important political debates there’s another force at work to bring women down, years of social conditioning to make us feel small and weak. Make us feel not smart enough. Not pretty enough. Not brave enough. Designed to pit women against one another as opposed to lifting each other up. Yesterday we decided to gather as a community and support each other. We made signs and flower crowns together. We wrote notes and passed out flowers to strangers marching alongside us and bystanders. Each year I march my biggest take away is always this: Women ARE strong enough. Women ARE bright and brilliant. Women ARE bold and beautiful. And together we are better.