Dazey Lady - Nikki Joiner

My blog series on Dazey Ladies continues! A Dazey Lady is an everyday girl who's taking steps to pursuing their dreams. Weather it's practicing photography in their backyard, or running a multi-million dollar corporation, both are considered Dazey Ladies to me :)
This gorgeous creature is Nikki Joiner (@nikkiijoiner). She is a SoCal artist and self proclaimed lover of cacti and coffee! I first stumbled upon her instagram because she included a Dazey tee in an adorable "closet essentials" illustration on insta, you can see it here! I thought "Wow this girls good!! Plus she's so stinkin' cute, why does she not have a million followers yet!?" I had to meet her and shine a little light on what she's doing. She's just in the beginning stages of becoming a girl boss and I know she's got a bright future ahead. Read what she has to say below!
1) Dani: First off what do you do!? Would love to talk about what you do for a living and what you passion is.
Do these two things collide?
Nikki: I currently work 2 jobs, one full-time and the other part-time, to help pay for school and car loans while creating/selling artwork on the side. Working gives me a solid source of income so that I can support myself and be able to create without any money worries! There's definitely a collision between working and doing what I'm most passionate about. Working takes a ton of time out of my day and the only way I can make the most with my art time is to get up early, and keep a schedule with daily and weekly goals I want to accomplish. Sometimes I even plan my day by the hour! Super geeky, but it works for me!
2) Dani: What inspires you, get’s you excited!?
Nikki: Instagram never fails to inspire and excite me! I've connected with so many creatives, and my feed is always full of inspiration. I also try to make it a habit to get out of the house and explore new places on my days off, and those are always exciting.
3) Dani: Where would you want to be in 5 years from now personally and professionally?
Nikki: In 5 years I'd like to have my own little art studio that has awesome natural light and white walls, and just a short walk away from a coffee shop. I'd also like to be better at managing my money and business, and to be consistent with another social platform like blogging, or maybe YouTube. Professionally, I'd love to have a job that's creative and challenging, where I can set my own schedule and hours. I'm honestly not sure how to answer this section. All I know is that I don't want any debt, I don't want to clean up after people for a living, and I want to be my own boss.
4) Dani: What does being a Dazey Lady mean to you?
Nikki: For me, being a Dazey Lady means going out and making it happen, one step at a time, even if you don't think you're ready. Basically you have to be Tim Gunn and tell time that you've got to "make it work" 'cause you only have 24 hours to work with.