Dazey Lady contest winner Julz

The Dazey Lady Contest
A few weeks ago we had our big Dazey Lady contest! It was amazing and over 100 inspiring girls entered by telling us how they are following their dreams. I was particularly inspired by Juliete of @julzjunkiejewelry because she chose to quit a steady job and school to follow her dreams. What started as a fun project became her passion, and she's damn good at it too.
Check out the lovely video and shoot we did below as well as her entry :) shop her JULZ on www.julzjunkie.com! Also check out the hastag #dazeyladycontest and see the other entries, so uplifting and inspiring!
Julette's Original entry story:
Hi loves! I'm Juliet, the little 27 year old boss lady behind Julz Junkie. The name starts with my nickname "Julz" and my very first customers would always return over and over wanting more so that's where "Junkie" came in. I figured this was the perfect time to tell you a little about myself for the #dazeyladycontest and how I ended up here.
I worked in Real Estate, Property Mgt and Escrow for around 7 years. I did go to college and wanted to be a Dental Hygienist. That's until one summer I was bored and sick of all my cheap jewelry always tarnishing on me. I've been creative all my life so I went to the local craft store and picked up my first set of jewelry pliers and some chain. I analyzed all the jewelry I had and taught myself everything I know. To be honest it was just a hobby until friends started admiring my pieces. After doing it for a while I noticed how happy I was doing it and started selling pieces on an online marketplace. Every day I would have lots of designs running thru my head and would run home and make them.
At my job at the time I was doodling jewelry designs and losing focus (oops 🙈) and that's when it clicked that I had to go with a different career. Of course my family was a little worried that I wasn't going to start the dental hygiene program and that I was quitting my job, not to mention I had rent to pay. Everyone always said "omg Juliet the fashion world is such a cutthroat business". I figured if I was gonna give it a shot this was my chance and well as you can tell it was totally worth it! Now, my life consist of jewelry 24/7. I also work part-time for a well known Jewelry designer in LA and have learned a lot to apply to my own business. I get home and put all my focus to my brand. I do everything myself and I am very proud of it. Hashtag #girlboss lol Obviously if my lil brand blows up I'll need some help but at the moment I've got it under control 😜 Never be afraid to try something new and go after your dreams no matter what anyone tells you. Don't lose hope because nothing happens overnight, just stay motivated and you will get there. Thank you so much for the endless support, it never goes unnoticed. ❤️Julz
Savannah Evanoff
February 17 2017
This is amazing. I love this jewelry, too!
lori and Debbie
February 17 2017
WE are soooo proud of our Juilet!!!! Happy that you are following your hearts happiness and your success!! We miss you!!!!!!
Love you!!
Lori and Debbie