March on Collection - Inspired by the Women's March

This collection is very near and dear to me. It is inspired by the Women's March that took place on January 21st. It was a crazy day for me, I woke up early to march and by that afternoon gave a speech in front of 1,500 people. It was easily the most empowering day of my life, and that does something to you. I woke up that next day feeling so inspired I had to do something about it, so I designed this collection!
The march was a surreal experience. Seeing so many people of all ages and races, both men and women, out to support women's rights was incredible. There were little girls with feminist signs being held up by their dads, old ladies in wheel chairs wearing "pussy hats," and an endless sea of Dazey Ladies. It was madness and it was perfect. Marching alongside each other in solidarity we knew we were not alone, and together we were a force to be reckoned with. Many of the designs in this collection were inspired by the signs I saw walking, I loved reading them and snapping photos. :)
We headed to Malibu on a gorgeous day to shoot the lookbook. I had one of my best friends, Quigley, modeling, my new camera in hand, and the super bloom was at it's peak. Photoshoot perfection! It captures the colorful California Dazey Vibe perfectly. Hope you enjoy it! You can SHOP HERE
Model: Officially Quigley
Designer & Photographer: Dani Dazey