The Name Game

Oh the daunting task of naming your business. People can get hung up on this for months, and it often causes delays in launching. I don't know if it's going to make or break your business, but it is so scary thinking this name can potentially always be attached to you.
Everyone approaches naming their business or brand differently. I find it helpful to hear how other people came up with theirs. Below we have stories on how 8 Dazey Ladies came up with their brand names, including ours!
If you have a fun story on how you named your business please leave it in the comments below, we would LOVE to hear!
Xx- Dani Dazey
Dani of Dazey LA art apaprel
I wanted a simple name that evoked a feeling more than specifically mean something. After a week of back and forth with my sister, she just said the name ‘Dazey’ and it stuck. It had that California ’70s vibe that the clothing line is inspired by. As a made-up word, it didn’t carry any preconceived meaning—it could define itself. Important things to consider as well: if the trademark is open, and if domain names and social media handles are available. If you’re having a hard time coming up with a name, just use a placeholder you like. Don’t let that stop you from getting your company going. People will forgive you if you change it early on.
Kelly of Electric West fashion label
For me, picking a name, went from being an easy task, to a daunting chore of intense over thinking. I got so hung up on the permanency and importance of a brand name, that i ended up grasping for something that i thought would appeal to the masses, instead of what really reflected me. I finally had to step back and think… what was the story I was trying to tell and how did i want it to make people feel? Most importantly, how did it encompass me? I’m an avid traveler and love being on the road. Dusty desert towns and dive bars are kinda "my thing". Whenever i can i’m heading out to Joshua Tree or driving up to the mountains to go camping. I really just wanted to create a line of t-shirts that would encapsulate my travels throughout the West Coast and Southwest. The name Electric West, just kinda clicked. At this point, the name has become more than just a brand to people. It’s a story of travel and wanderlust (with a touch of vintage Americana). It’s cool to see how the name Electric West translates to each person and resonates with them in their own travels.
Heather of The Westside Collective boutique and consulting
I came up with the name The Westside Collective after I had already started my company Westside Consulting. I lived on the Westside of LA and thought this was fitting for the consulting company. When I started the boutique I wanted the companies to be related, hence using Westside again. Also my plan was to do pop up event on the Westside which we have been doing for the last year. Collective came because I wanted to bring in a range of different designers and artisans and for us to collectively do events for the community.The name has been confused by marijuana lovers as a dispensary which I had never thought of! Regarding the logo, I wanted it to be clean but have some meaning. The W is formed from 2 upside down tipis (since I have my dog tipi company Growler Goods). I have the logo on my Tahoe and people tell me all the time they've heard of me or seen my logo so I'm happy that it's working!
Dominique of Stone and Spirit jewelry
I just recently rebranded my company and had to go through the daunting task of choosing a new name for it. I think the best way to think of a name is to have a good old fashioned brainstorming session, and enlist someone to help you bounce ideas around. I had another jewelry maker friend help me, and we started off by listing off random words that were related to my business. (My company is jewelry that is mostly crystal and gemstone focused) I tried out names of crystals that I like and use often, and went from there. Opal, angel aura, spirit quartz, druzy, etc. Then tried to tie those in. I even tried out puns, my wonderful boyfriend suggested I name my company "Opal Winfrey", which had me dying of laughter. Don't let it be a stressful process and don't take yourself too seriously when you're just brainstorming! Finding who you are selling to and narrowing it down can really help you focus on a good name. I eventually thought of Sun & Stone, as a play on sunstone. But a quick google search dashed my dreams, since it was already taken! Sad day. But after that I decided I really liked the & in the name, as well as the word stone. My final business name landed on "Stone & Spirit". Both because, one of my favorite crystals to work with are called spirit quartz, and I felt it would really relate to the market I had cornered (the hippie/gypsy/free spirit type who feel energy and healing properties from their crystals). To sum up my business naming advice: 1. Know your market and think of what they would respond positively to 2. Think not only about the product you are selling, but also the emotions it may invoke 3. And finally to just have fun with it!
Blogger Nikia of Mad Maven Style
I always get so excited when people ask me how I named my blog. It all started with a passion for style and a book called "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell. In this book, he kept defining a Maven as being someone who is an expert or connoisseur, a fashion maven if you will. These mavens were always first to know about the coolest trends and the first to set these trends wild for everyone to know about. I loved the word maven so much, that it stuck, I began referring to myself as a maven. The mad part came from the madness behind my styling, like it was an art or a special technique, which it is. And style was what sealed the deal with what I wanted people to know my blog was about. Not fashion, but style. Now days I go by The Mad Maven usually when people address me or write about me, but my blog will always remain Mad Maven Style.
Kailee of I'm With The Band headbands
The name of my company was really important to me. I wanted it to be playful and lighthearted and fully embody what I do and what I love. It also needed to make perfect sense, evoke emotion and a sense of belonging. Last, but certainly not least, I wanted it to tie in my rock and roll roots and undying love for music. When I tell people the name of my company is I'm With The Band and I make headbands they invariably giggle, as it clicks for them. It's awesome to get such a positive response and put a smile on someone's face just by telling them the name of my brand.
Debbie of brows. eyebrow salon
The name "brows." came about out of simplicity. We wanted a name that took the mystique out of the process. We wanted it to appear easy, almost so easy that it left little to the imagination as to what we do. However in saying that, there was a lot of thought in how we would convey the name. We chose a small "b" and a (.) dot at the end to make it a full statement. The small "b" was important because it signified a demure response to our approach. Our designer, Sam Eaton came up with our amazing logo and last year made a case for adding a few detail changes, and he was right. It's perfect for us and our product line. We researched many names for our (flagship) spot, all the while keeping in mind that we wanted a name that was easy to franchise. We noticed that most brow artists were interested in incorporating their names into the mix. There were plenty of places with the word "brow" in the name, mostly with the name of the brow artist. Again we wanted the diminutive "b" to step back - almost like a whisper. "brows." is a collaborative effort, and one where we focus on the client. That is very important to us. It's not about the ego of the artist, but rather focusing on the client. brows is a half-hour individual experience where clients can get a simple clean-up, a re-shaped eyebrow, an eyebrow growth program, or an editorial eyebrow. brows. speaks eyebrows, 6 days a week. It's what we've studied and what we are passionate about.
Wardrobe stylist Maureen of The LA Look
The•LA•Look was created out of divine intervention. The end of 2009 found me out of my very prominent, high-profile buying position in a well-known Los Angeles store ; into starting a freelance buying office at the beginning of the crash of retail. I needed a strong concept. I had confidence going into my business that I would and could provide for a multitude of stores the knowledge and dare I say talent that I’d acquired in my previous position. I would offer them a different and dedicated eye in the marketplace. I would offer them collections and ideas they might not otherwise be privy to. I would offer a dialed in perspective they might not otherwise have access to. I would know and obtain the celebrity styles and latest trends coming out of the west coast. I would offer to their store, to any store, anywhere, an LA touch. So, by defining my business I created my name. I was offering these clients quite literally, The LA Look. And, the domain was available :) Now, as my business has developed and evolved, the name continues to define almost instantaneously who my business is. And as I grow in to consulting and take on more marketing, and adamantly persue my biggest passion, styling; and as Los Angeles continues to grow into a fashion-centric definer of style - I am happy to help define what is The•LA•Look