Stress Less with Cynthia, a psychotherapist for strong independent women

Mini Message from Dani Dazey:
We have an amazing guest writer Cynthia M.A. Siadat,
licensed psychotherapist and Living Fully Coach. I met her in my WeWork co-working space and when she handed me her card I couldn't believe what I saw! It literally said "Therapy for strong independent women." I LOVE that and instantly resonated with what she was doing. I've had a hand full of sessions with her and she has helped me learn to better organize my life and handle all the stress that comes with running a small business. I asked her to write this article to help other girl bosses and just busy babes in general. Hope you learn a few things!
PS: I drew these little illustration to match hehe :)
Find Cynthia:
Ten Tips to Stress Less and Plan Your Business (Bonus Tip at the end!):
As a go-getting woman, you’ve probably had the experience of taking on all the
opportunities and then swirling into a pit of anxiety and worry that not all of those
things will get done. I know I’ve done that. Not to worry, you're not alone and I’ve written up my Ten Tips to Stress Less and Plan Your Business as a Female Entrepreneur!

Don’t make yourself wrong for side-hustling
I’ve talked to a number of women who tell me they are doing that day-job or side-hustle to make their ends meet and cry over not doing their business full-time and having it primarily be their means to live. There’s a lot of pressure out there to up and go broke before you make it big but don’t feel like you have to give in. You have to take care of yourself, otherwise, there will be no you as expressed through your business out in the world. Take care of you; be fulfilled in you; and you will create an amazing outcome because that fulfillment will spill over into your business.

Plan towards your goal
In my coaching, I like to help people get organized, projecting to their six month goals. Then we work backwards in that planning and I ask where will you be at month five, month four... and so on. This way it helps break down the steps toward the goal and makes things way less daunting when you have a clear road ahead, knowing that all it will take is you following the plan you set out for yourself.

Don’t get down on yourself if you don’t see through your plan to a T!
Ladies, please. You went into entrepreneurship so you could be a boss lady. No one is judging because you didn’t meet a self-imposed deadline, so why should you judge yourself? Simply acknowledge the breakdown in seeing that commitment through, create a new commitment and move on. It’s that simple.

Trust the process of your business
Sometimes you’ll feel like nothing is moving forward, sometimes there will be 12 things moving all at once. Trust that it will work out the way it’s meant to and do your best—that’s all that anyone ever asks of you and all that you can ever ask of yourself. Like Tip #3, don’t get down on yourself either when your best isn’t the right fit for something; some things are better left alone. And entrepreneurship is about freedom, joy and fulfilling a passion and purpose in the world that you didn’t get in a 9-5 or whatever that was.

I cannot stress this enough. Get rest. Go on a date with a friend or lover. Get your nails done. Go on a vacation. Again, this move was for more freedom and passion-driving actions— if you’re not living that, you’re missing the mark!

Sometimes, things will be boring
At least while you’re starting off and until you can hire someone else to do the menial tasks that you don’t enjoy so well. But don’t hire someone so soon that you don’t know how you prefer things to be done. Which leads me to...

Before hiring someone be sure you know your process
This takes time that I believe we can all take for granted. We want the quick fix always and sometimes the thing that was so precious suffers. Not saying it’s the end-all, it just is harder to dig out of ditch when it’s been filled with water and tar. Interesting metaphor, but hey it’s what I came up with.

You are a boss
Don’t forget that. It take serious courage to do something on your own. People wait and dream and wait and dream for.. eeevvv.. er. Not you. You went out and did something about that dream. That’s amazing! Good job.

Keep a journal and a calendar
Document your journey. A tip passed on to me from a fellow female entrepreneur is pure goal: keep a notebook close-by at night for when inspiration hits and you need to sleep. Jot down those ideas and then put the notebook down and close your eyes. When you make an appointment put it in a calendar with a reminder. These little things will go a long way.

Take care of your body
Sleep enough, eat enough, drink enough water, exercise, meditate. Treasure your body as the vessel in which your business comes alive. You wouldn’t treat a golden egg with the same sort of roughness that you do to your body. So stop it and start taking care.
Bonus: Anxiety is when we think all the things that we have to get done;
need to be done RIGHT NOW. Reality check: It doesn’t. You can literally do 1-2
things a day for your business and be more consistently productive in your
businesses success in the long run than if you attempted to do 10-20 EVERY.
About the Author, Cynthia M.A. Siadat (more below)
Her Vision-
To normalize mental health care and de-stigmatize therapy so the world accepts that mental illness is as much a part of the human experience as physical illness.
To normalize mental health care and de-stigmatize therapy so the world accepts that mental illness is as much a part of the human experience as physical illness.

Her Story:
Hello, I'm Cynthia M. A. Siadat, LCSW. I was born of strong, independent women and taught to be one myself. This lead me to accomplish many of my life's dreams. By the time I was in my 30s, I had reached my goal of being a director of an agency that served those who I'd so eagerly wanted to help, adults with memory impairments. However proud I was of this, I was coming home to my rockin' life feeling miserable, upset with how the day had gone. I wondered what in the world was wrong when I felt so badly but looked out and saw my dreams fulfilled? I dug deep; got support from my family, friends, and my own therapist; and I faced the reality that I had a big choice to make. A firm believer in myself and clear on the contributions I want to make in the world, I set off to create Living Fully — therapy created specifically for other strong, independent women who need support in the face of their lives that, while amazing and full, were out of reach because of some emotional distress or discomfort. I am here for you -- the woman who is a bad-ass in your day-to-day life, who is experiencing emotional or situational distress that is preventing you from fully enjoying the awesome life you've created for yourself. I offer you that extra support that you have been looking for. I am that unbiased listener who can partner with you to look deeply at your life, help identify and acknowledge the barriers to living fully that exist and I am committed to you being empowered to continue to live out your fullest and most expressive life.